Betty's Not a Vitamin in 100 Best Band Names of All Time List!!
"Betty's Not a Vitamin" was listed as number one in a category of the "Best Band Names of All Time" in Paste magazine! Check it out here!!
Betty's Not A Vitamin Song in Neil Youngs top 10 List!!
Betty's Not a Vitamin's song "The Answer", which is a pro-soldier/anti-war song charted in the top 10 on Neil Young's Living With War Today chart. The song eventually peaked at number 3 before dropping out of the top 10. This is a national chart that lists the top songs submitted (over 3,000) and the number of listens by people worldwide.
Thanks to everyone who listened and played a part in this.
Betty's Not A Vitamin mentioned in tbt* times!
Betty's Not a Vitamin's ranking in the top 10 on Neil Youngs Living With War Today site was mentioned in the blog in the tbt* times! Thanks to Julie Garisto for making this happen!!
BNAV in the Tampa Tribune!
A pic of Todd playing with BNAV at the Gasparilla festival in the Channelside Complex in Tampa was featured in the March 1st Tampa Tribune! Thanks to the Trib and to Jane McKee at Janes World Entertainment for the gig!
Tim Boland at WKGB spins 3rd BNAV Single!
WKGB Music Director and "Incoming" Host Tim "Timmmmmmmmay" Boland has selected the track "Home" as a 3RD single from BNAV's debut CD! Check out the latest "Incoming" show chart HERE! BNAV cannot say THANK YOU enough to Tim and the crew at WKGB for the spins over the last 4 months, you guys ROCK!!
BNAV hits Chicago's airwaves!
BNAV would like to thank DJ's Ryan and Kevin Manno at Chicago's Rock Alternative Q101 for giving I'm So High some airplay! Thanks guys!
Rob, Chris, Lee and Todd
BNAV spins in Texas!
Last week "I'm So High" hit the airwaves of Amarillo, Texas on KACV FM90! Thanks for the spins guys!
Todd, Chris, Rob and Lee |
We've got a CD for you Myla!
Betty's Not A Vitamin by Myla Madson
Myla Madson.com I've always liked most of my daughter's music and have even accompanied her to a few concerts. Actually, I was the taxi service again and not permitted to acknowledge her existence while at the concert hall, but still, I usually enjoyed myself, happily sharing the experience with other forgotten parents up in the nose-bleed section.
A fair compromise I suppose, but my sister would have none of it. She told me there was a story about this band in the paper just the other day and that they were nothing but a bunch of drugged up hippies playing the Devil's music.
Oh my, the Devil's music?
Yes, the Devil's music!
I asked her the name of the band and she said it was, "Betty's Not A Vitamin".
... this is only an excerpt. Read the whole story here!
Originally published on SearchWarp.com for Myla Madson Tuesday, July 01, 2008
Article Source: Betty's Not A Vitamin

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